Friday, May 01, 2009

Dolphins at Semakau Jetty!

We saw dolphins near Semakau today!!!

I was on the boat when I saw at least 4 dolphins swimming towards the jetty, jumping out of the water once in a while. But then suddenly, they changed direction and headed towards Pulau Hantu before I managed to take any photos. When I was inside the visitor centre, one of the NEA staff told me they were back near the jetty, and I immediately rushed out! :P

This was the third time we saw dolphins during a Semakau trip. The first time was near the southern-most point, which I was on the bus and did not managed to take any photos. For the second time, we were on the boat, and I was in the toilet and thus missed it. This time round, finally, I managed to snap some photos and even a video!

There were 2 of them in the photo above, the one at the back showing its tail flukes as it made a turn to swim to its left side. These dolphins were probably the Indo-Pacific Humpback Dolphin (Sousa chinensis), sometimes also called the Pink Dolphins.

Here's the head of one of them. Can you see the water spray?

From the video, we can see that there are at least 4 of them!

At one point, they actually got very near to the jetty, but unfortunately were too fast for me to capture any photos since I was zooming too much and couldn't find them on my LCD screen.

Certainly hope to see more of them in future :)

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