Friday, October 23, 2009

Colugos and Babies

Went to Bukit Timah some time back to get a new pair of hiking boots, but was so busy these days that I didn't have the time to upload the photos until now.

Decided to take a walk before I got my boots, and was really lucky that I spotted colugoes again! And not one, but two! Or rather, four, to be precise!

Malayan Colugo (Cynocephalus variegatus)
I saw this Malayan Colugo (Cynocephalus variegatus) just before I turned into South View

Malayan Colugo (Cynocephalus variegatus) with Baby
It was only when I walked one round and went back to the same spot about an hour later, that the little one decided to take a peep out! So we have a Mama Colugo and her baby here!

Malayan Colugo (Cynocephalus variegatus)
Not sure if she noticed me or was it due to the hot sun shining on it, it decided to move to the shaded side of the tree trunk after a while.

Malayan Colugo (Cynocephalus variegatus)
Here's a shot of it from a different angle.

After I had taken enough shots, I decided to go to the visitor information centre to see if I can find any more colugos.

Malayan Colugo (Cynocephalus variegatus)
Indeed, there was one on the Belinjau (Gnetum gnemon) tree right in front of the visitor centre!

Malayan Colugo (Cynocephalus variegatus) with Baby
And she has a baby too! So cute!

It sure was my lucky day! And I eventually bought a pair of good hiking boots at a really reasonable price too! :P

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